Earlier this year, we told you how our reading discussion group for adults was celebrating its eighth year of meeting in 2012, and that we generally read somewhere between 6-8 books per year. If you want to read the original post (which includes the list of books we've read over the past 8 years), click here. Well, it looks like we're having a record-breaking year in 2012, as we'll soon be reading our eighth book for 2012: Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried on Monday, October 29th. You're welcome to join us at 6:30PM on October 29th, if you're so inclined.
Our 9th book for 2012 is scheduled to be read for a meeting on Monday, December 9th: Wishin' And Hopin' by CT author Wally Lamb. Jumping ahead to 2013, we've even decided on a title for a discussion to be held in January (probably January 14th): Molo'kai by Alan Brennert. Meeting time is always 6:30PM.
Sure hope you'll think about joining us for any or all of these discussions. For more info, stop by the library and ask at the circ. desk, won't you?