Friday, December 22, 2006
Library hours for Christmas week....

Wednesday, November 08, 2006
New books for adults -- October 2006
- Allende, Isabel / Ines Of My Soul / FIC All
- Andrews, Mary Kay / Blue Christmas / FIC And
- Barry, Dave / The Shepherd, The Angel, And Walter The Christmas Miracle Dog / FIC Bar
- Brooks, Patricia Reiss / Mountain Shadows / FIC Bro
- DeMille, Nelson / Wild Fire / FIC DeM
- Jakes, John / The Gods Of Newport / FIC Jak
- Ludlum, Robert / The Bancroft Strategy / FIC Lud
- Messud, Claire / The Emperor's Children / FIC Mes
- O'Shaughnessy, Perri / Keeper Of The Keys / FIC O'Sh
- Robb, J.D. / Born In Death / FIC Rob
- Shaara, Jeff / The Rising Tide : A Novel Of World War II / FIC Sha
- Sparks, Nicholas / Dear John / FIC Spa
- Steel, Danielle / H.R.H. / FIC Ste
- Trigiani, Adriana / Home To Big Stone Gap / FIC Tri
- Humphries, Tom & Padden, Carol / Learning American Sign Language / 419.7 Hum
- Treating And Preventing Adolescent Mental Health Disorders / 616.89 Tre
- Garten, Ina / Barefoot Contessa At Home : Everyday Recipes You'll Make Over And Over Again / 641.5 Gar
- Handmade Christmas Crafts / 745.5 Han
- Stocking Stuffer Crafts / 745.5 Sto
- Bergner, Sheila A. / Snowman Crafts / 745.594 Ber
- Johnston, Jane / Handmade Christmas Ornaments / 745.594 Joh
- Your Dream Bathroom / 747.7 You
- Sedaris, David / Dress Your Family In Corduroy And Denim / 813.54 Sed
- Langguth, A.J. / Union 1812 : The Americans Who Fought The Second War Of Independence / 973.5 Lan
- Massey, Don & Davey, Rick / A Matter Of Degree : The Hartford Circus Fire And The Mystery Of Little Miss 1565 / 974.6 Mas
- Ghostbusters / DVD Gho
- Ghostbusters 2 / DVD Gho
- Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade / DVD Ind
- Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom / DVD Ind
- Indiana Jones And The Raiders Of The Lost Ark / DVD Ind
- Indiana Jones : Bonus Material / DVD Ind
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
New books for adults --- October 2006
- Bryson, Bill / The Life And Times Of Thunderbolt The Kid : A Memoir / B Bryson
- Grant, Marshall & Zar, Chris / I Was There When It Happened : My Life With Johnny Cash / B Cash
- Edwards, Elizabeth / Saving Graces : Finding Solace And Strength From Friends And Strangers / B Edwards
- Newhart, Bob / I Shouldn't Even Be Doing This! : And Other Things That Strike Me As Funny / B Newhart
- Hodes, Martha / The Sea Captain's Wife : A True Story Of Love, Race, And War In The Nineteenth Century / 306.84 Hod
- Grisham, John / The Innocent Man : Murder And Injustice In A Small Town / 345.766 Gri
- Deen, Paula & Nesbit, Martha / Paula Deen Celebrates! : Best Dishes And Best Wishes For The Best Times In Your Life / 641.5 Dee
- The New York Times Practical Guide To Practically Everything : The Essential Companion For Everyday Life / 646.7 New
- Miller, Donald L. / Masters Of The Air : America's Bomber Boys Who Fought The Air War Against Nazi Germany / 940.54 Mil
- Woodward, Bob / State Of Denial / 973.931 Woo
- Albom, Mitch / For One More Day / FIC Alb
- Baldacci, David / The Collectors / FIC Bal
- Flynn, Vince / Act Of Treason / FIC Fly
- Forsyth, Frederick / The Afghan / FIC For
- Francis, Dick / Under Orders / FIC Fra
- George, Elizabeth / What Came Before He Shot Her / FIC Geo
- Harris, Robert / Imperium : A Novel Of Ancient Rome / FIC Har
- Kelman, Judith / Backward In High Heels / FIC Kel
- King, Stephen / Lisey's Story / FIC Kin
- Lewis, Beverly / The Brethren / FIC Lew
- McCarthy, Cormac / The Road / FIC McC
- Meltzer, Brad / The Book Of Fate / FIC Mel
- Naslund, Sena Jeter / Abundance / FIC Nas
- Parker, Robert B. / Hundred-Dollar Baby / FIC Par
- VanLiere, Donna / The Angels Of Morgan Hill / FIC Van
- Walter, Jess / The Zero / FIC Wal
- Weiner, Jennifer / The Guy Not Taken : Stories / FIC Wei
If you'd like to have your name placed on the waiting list for any of these books, please contact the library at 742-7428.
Monday, October 02, 2006
New books for kids - September 2006
- Murphy, Claire Rudolf / Children of Alcatraz : Growing Up on the Rock / j979.4 Mur
- Alsenas, Linas / Mrs. Claus Takes a Vacation / HOLIDAY jj Als
- Anderson, Derek / How the Easter Bunny Saved Christmas / HOLIDAY jj And
- Christelow, Eileen / Letters From a Desperate Dog / jj Chr
- Fox, Mem / A Particular Cow / jj Fox
- Hawkins, Jimmy / It's a Wonderful Life for Kids! / jj Haw
- Hennessy, B.G. / Corduroy Lost and Found / jj Hen
- Kirk, David / Humbug! / jj Kir
- Moses, Brian / Trouble at the Dinosaur Cafe / jj Mos
- Polacco, Patricia / Something About Hensley's / jj Pol
- Smith, Cynthia Leitich & Smith, Greg Leitich / Santa Knows / jj Smi
- Banks, Steven / The Art Contest [SpongeBob SquarePants #12] / jj Spo pb
- Lewman, David / A Very Krusty Christmas [SpongeBob SquarePants #13] / jj Spo pb
- Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth / The Kindness Quilt / jj Wal
- Wellington, Monica / Mr. Cookie Baker / jj Wel
- Winget, Susan / Tucker's Apple-Dandy Day / jj Win
- Stilton, Geronimo / The Christmas Toy Factory [Geronimo Stilton #27] / J Ger SERIES SHELF
- Ibbotson, Eva / The Beasts of Clawstone Castle / J Ibb
- Mackall, Dandi Daley / Larger Than Life Lara / J Mac
- McDonald, Megan / Judy Moody : Around the World in 8 1/2 Days / J McD
- Osborne, Mary Pope / Blizzard of the Blue Moon [Magic Tree House #36] / J Osb SERIES SHELF
- Bark George...and More Doggie Tales / J DVD Bar
- Curious George Rides a Bike...and More Tales of Mischief / J DVD Cur
- Danny and the Dinosaur...and More Friendly "Monster" Stories / J DVD Dan
- Giggle, Giggle, Quack...and More Funny Favorites / J DVD Gig
- Make Way for Ducklings...and more Robert McCloskey Stories / J DVD Mak
- Thomas and the Magic Railroad / J DVD Tho
- Tikki Tikki Tembo...and More Favorite Stories / J DVD Tik
- Toy Story 2 / J DVD Toy
- Colfer, Eoin / Artemis Fowl : The Lost Colony / JYP Col
- Ferguson, Alane / The Angel of Death / JYP Fer
- Libby, Alisa M. / The Blood Confession / JYP Lib
New books for adults - September 2006
- Koch, Doro Bush / My Father, My President : A Personal Account of the Life of George H.W. Bush / B Bush
- Bleby, John / The Dog's Health From A to Z : A Canine Veterinary Dictionary / 636.7 Ble
- Sides, Hampton / Blood and Thunder : An Epic of the American West / 978.02 Sid
- Beaton, M.C. / Love, Lies and Liquor : An Agatha Raisin Mystery / FIC Bea
- Burke, Jan / Kidnapped / FIC Bur
- Connelly, Michael / Echo Park / FIC Con
- Evanovich, Janet / Motor Mouth / FIC Eva
- Evans, Richard Paul / Finding Noel / FIC Eva
- Fairbanks, Nancy / Mozzarella Most Murderous / FIC Fai
- Fitch, Janet / Paint It Black / FIC Fit
- Frazier, Charles / Thirteen Moons / FIC Fra
- Gerritsen, Tess / The Mephisto Club / FIC Ger
- Haddon, Mark / A Spot of Bother / FIC Had
- Heller, Jane / Some Nerve / FIC Hel
- Katzenbach, John / The Wrong Man / FIC Kat
- Lawson, Mary / The Other Side of the Bridge / FIC Law
- LeCarre, John / The Mission Song / FIC LeC
- McDermott, Alice / After This / FIC McD
- O'Brien, Edna / The Light of Evening / FIC O'Br
- Setterfield, Diane / The Thirteenth Tale / FIC Set
- Woods, Stuart / Short Straw / FIC Woo
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Next book discussion for adults -- Monday, November 13th

For our next book discussion group for adults, we've chosen a novel that is fiction based on fact. Lucy, by Ellen Feldman, tells the love story of a young Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his wife, Eleanor's social secretary, Lucy Mercer. When Eleanor discovers love letters written between FDR and Lucy, divorce is discussed, but Franklin's honor and political ambitions will not allow for such a thing. Instead, he promises to never see Lucy again. Folks who know history, however, know that FDR's promise was not one he could keep.
We have multiple copies of this book available for your reading pleasure. Stop by the library and ask for a copy at the circulation desk.
What's in a name?

If you've visited the library within the last couple of months, you may have noticed something (or someone) new in our children's area: a great big primate! Sadly, our new friend has been without an official name since he came to the library (although some of the staff refer to him as "Joe").
Anyhow, to help out the big ape -- after all, we don't want "Joe" to have identity issues, do we? -- all library patrons ages 14 and under are invited to submit a name suggestion. Names can be submitted in person at the library OR through email to andoverctpubliclibrary@yahoo.com. The person submitting the name must have a valid Andover Public Library card. A name will be chosen from all entries submitted to the library by Friday, October 27th. A panel of judges will review all of the submissions, and the person who has suggested the best name will win a copy of the new DVD, "Curious George."
Put your thinking caps on, and let us know a good name for a big monkey!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Use our museum passes on those fall weekends....
We've added one more museum pass to our list of those you can borrow for free or reduced admission. This time, it's the New England Carousel Museum in Bristol. For a complete list of our museum passes, click here.
This summer, our museum passes (most of them donated to us by the Andover PL Friends) were borrowed and used by our patrons many, many times. In fact, patrons used these passes more in the 3 summer months than the total number of times they've borrowed our museum passes in the last 2 years! Wouldn't a visit to one of these museums be nice on one of the beautiful fall weekends?
If you're interested in borrowing any of these passes, you must have a valid library card and no outstanding fines. If you have any questions, please let us know.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
New books for kids -- additions since June 2006
- Langley, Andrew / Hurricanes, Tsunamis, and Other Natural Disasters / j363.34 Lan
- Moses, Will / Hansel & Gretel / j398.2 Mos
- George-Warren, Holly & Levine, Laura / Honky-Tonk Heroes and Hillbilly Angels / j781.642 Geo
- Saunders, Catherine / Play Soccer / j796.334 Sau
- Dude! Stories and Stuff for Boys / j810.8 Dud
- Prelutsky, Jack / What a Day it Was at School! / j811.54 Pre
- Blashfield, Jean F. / England [Enchantment of the World, Second Series] / j942 Bla
- Dramer, Kim / People's Republic of China [Enchantment of the World, Second Series] / j951 Dra
- Kummer, Patricia K. / Jordan [Enchantment of the World, Second Series] / j956.95 Kum
- Heinrichs, Ann / Egypt [Enchantment of the World, Second Series] / j962 Hei
- Stein, R. Conrad / Mexico [Enchantment of the World, Second Series] / j972 Ste
- Kras, Sara Louise / Honduras [Enchantment of the World, Second Series] / j972.83 Kra
- Arnosky, Jim / Grandfather Buffalo / jj Arn
- Beaumont, Karen / Move Over, Rover! / jj Bea
- Brett, Jan / Hedgie Blasts Off! / jj Bre
- Cronin, Doreen & Lewin, Betsy / Dooby Dooby Moo / jj Cro
- de Groat, Diane / No More Pencils, No More Books, No More Teacher's Dirty Looks! / jj DeG
- Egan, Tim / Roasted Peanuts / jj Ega
- Falconer, Ian / Olivia Forms a Band / jj Fal
- Fleming, Denise / The Cow Who Clucked / jj Fle
- Fore, S.J. / Tiger Can't Sleep / jj For
- Hennessy, Barbara G. / Mr. Ouchy's First Day / jj Hen
- Leaf, Munro / Noodle / jj Lea
- Macdonald, Maryann / The Costume Copycat / HOLIDAY jj Mac
- McGee, Marni & Beck, Ian / Winston the Book Wolf / jj McG
- Schneider, Christine / I'm Bored! / jj Sch
- Willson, Sarah / Class Confusion [SpongeBob SquarePants #11] / jj Spo pb
- Sutton, Jane / The Trouble with Cauliflower / jj Sut
- Willems, Mo / Edwina, the Dinosaur Who Didn't Know She Was Extinct / jj Wil
- Ensor, Barbara / Cinderella (As if You Didn't Already Know the Story) / J Ens
- Kline, Suzy / Horrible Harry Takes the Cake / J Kli
- Nimmo, Jenny / Charlie Bone and the Hidden King / J Nim SERIES SHELF
- Price, Robin / I Am Spartapuss / J Pri
- Roy, Ron / Detective Camp / J Roy pb
- DiTerlizzi, Tony & Black, Holly / The Field Guide [Spiderwick Chronicles #1] / J Spi SERIES SHELF
- DiTerlizzi, Tony & Black, Holly / The Ironwood Tree [Spiderwick Chronicles #4] / J Spi SERIES SHELF
- DiTerlizzi, Tony & Black, Holly / Lucinda's Secret [Spiderwick Chronicles #3] / J Spi SERIES SHELF
- DiTerlizzi, Tony & Black, Holly / The Seeing Stone [Spiderwick Chronicles #2] / J Spi SERIES SHELF
- DiTerlizzi, Tony & Black, Holly / The Wrath of Mulgarath [Spiderwick Chronicles #5] / J Spi SERIES SHELF
- Wooderson, Philip / The Plague [My Side of the Story] / J Woo pb
- Clements, Andrew / Things Hoped For / JYP Cle
- Cooney, Caroline B. / Hit the Road / JYP Coo
- Griffin, Adele / My Almost Epic Summer / JYP Gri
- Lisle, Janet Taylor / Black Duck / JYP Lis
- Lowry, Lois / Gossamer / JYP Low
- McNair, Don / The Long Hunter / JYP McN
- Voigt, Cynthia / Elske / JYP Voi pb
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Another Friends' fundraiser

A sure sign that fall is on the way -- the Friends are selling Entertainment Books for 2007! Here's a note about the sale from Friends' President, Dianne Grenier:
The Entertainment Book or “the Big Coupon Book”, has been know for years as a great way to save money on dining out, travel, attractions and so much more. The book offers hundreds of 50% coupon discounts on a wide variety of entertainment including; restaurants, fast food, movie tickets, golfing, sporting events, zoos, theatres and lots of other great family fun.
This is the perfect gift for anyone who loves to save money. Remember -- Christmas is
just around the corner. Coupons are valid until November 2007.
Entertainment Books for outside the Hartford area are also available by calling Dianne Grenier at 742-3033 or e-mail deardianne@comcast.net.Books are $30 each and can be purchased at the Andover Library on Rt. 6, at the Town Clerks Office in the Town Office Building at 17 School Road or by calling the president of the
Friends of the Library, Dianne Grenier at 742-3033 or deardianne@comcast.net.
It's never too early to start saving money! Pick up your Entertainment Book soon!
Thanks -
Monday, August 21, 2006
New books for adults - August 2006
- Clash, Kevin / My Life as a Furry Red Monster : What Being Elmo Has Taught Me About Life, Love, and Laughing Out Loud / B Clash
- Smith, Mary-Ann Tirone / Girls of Tender Age / B Smith
- Risdahl, Aliza Sherman / The Everything Blogging Book / 006.7 Smi
- Browne, Sylvia & Harrison, Lindsay / Insight : Case Files from the Psychic World / 133.9 Bro
- Pease, Allan & Pease, Barbara / The Definitive Book of Body Language / 153.6 Pea
- Baigent, Michael / Holy Blood, Holy Grail / 232.9 Bai
- Balish, Chris / How to Live Well Without Owning a Car / 332.024 Bal
- Roth-Douquet, Kathy & Schaeffer, Frank / AWOL : The Unexcused Absence of America's Upper Classes from the Military--And How it Hurts Our Country / 355.2 Rot
- Sinatra, Stephen & Punkre, James / The Fast Food Diet : Lose Weight and Feel Great Even if You're Too Busy to Eat Right / 613.2 Sin
- Bolles, Richard Nelson / What Color is Your Parachute? 2007 / 650.18 Bol
- Mnookin, Seth / Feeding the Monster : How Money, Smarts, and Nerve Took a Team to the Top / 796.357 Mno
- MacInnis, J. Lyman / The Elements of Great Public Speaking / 808.5 Mac
- Ephron, Nora / I Feel Bad About My Neck : And Other Thoughts on Being a Woman / 814.54 Eph
- Kimmel, Haven / She Got Up Off the Couch : And Other Heroic Acts from Mooreland, Indiana / 977.2 Kim
- Bahr, Howard / The Judas Field : A Novel of the Civil War / FIC Bah
- Billingham, Mark / Lifeless / FIC Bil
- Blachman, Jeremy / Anonymous Lawyer / FIC Bla
- Block, Lawrence / Hit Parade / FIC Blo
- Booth, Stephen / One Last Breath / FIC Boo
- Brett, Simon / The Stabbing in the Stables / FIC Bre
- Brockmann, Suzanne / Into the Storm / FIC Bro
- Brown, Sandra / Ricochet / FIC Bro
- Buchan, Elizabeth / Wives Behaving Badly / FIC Buc
- Burke, James Lee / Pegasus Descending / FIC Bur
- Clark, Mary Jane / Lights Out Tonight / FIC Cla
- Cook, Robin / Crisis / FIC Coo
- Daheim, Mary / Saks & Violins / FIC Dah
- Egan, Jennifer / The Keep / FIC Ega
- Emley, Diane / The First Cut / FIC Eml
- Flagg, Fannie / Can't Wait to Get to Heaven / FIC Fla
- Frey, Stephen / The Power Broker / FIC Fre
- George, Margaret / Helen of Troy / FIC Geo
- Gillespie, Karin / Dollar Daze : The Bottom Dollar Girls in Love / FIC Gil
- Goldberg, Lee / Mr. Monk Goes to Hawaii / FIC Gol
- Gruen, Sara / Water for Elephants / FIC Gru
- Haines, Carolyn / Bones to Pick / FIC Hai
- Heller, Jane / An Ex to Grind / FIC Hel
- Hooper, Kay / Sleeping with Fear / FIC Hoo
- Howard, Linda / Cover of Night / FIC How
- Jance, J.A. / Dead Wrong / FIC Jan
- Kellerman, Faye / The Garden of Eden and Other Criminal Delights / FIC Kel
- Keyes, Marian / Anybody Out There? / FIC Key
- Lippman, Laura / No Good Deeds / FIC Lip
- Malarkey, Tucker / Resurrection / FIC Mal
- McGowan, Kathleen / The Expected One / FIC McG
- Parker, Robert B. / Blue Screen / FIC Par
- Patterson, James & Gross, Andrew / Judge & Jury / FIC Pat
- Pelecanos, George / The Night Gardener / FIC Pel
- Reichs, Kathy / Break No Bones / FIC Rei
- Rice, Luanne / Sandcastles / FIC Ric
- Roberts, Nora / Angels Fall / FIC Rob
- Rollins, James / Black Order / FIC Rol
- Saul, John / In the Dark of the Night / FIC Sau
- Sefton, Maggie / A Deadly Yarn / FIC Sef
- Shaara, Lila / Dark Circles / FIC Sha
- Siegel, James / Deceit / FIC Sie
- Silva, Daniel / The Messenger / FIC Sil
- Slaughter, Karin / TripTych / FIC Sla
- Spindler, Erica / Copy Cat / FIC Spi
- Steel, Danielle / Coming Out / FIC Ste
- Thayer, Nancy / The Hot Flash Club Chills Out / FIC Tha
- Walters, Minette / The Devil's Feather / FIC Wal
Monday, July 31, 2006
More gifts from the Friends...
BOOKS - Titles on the RHAM High School reading list, listed in call number order:
- Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia / Shattered Mirror / JYP Atw pb
- Flannery, Tim F. / The Weather Makers / 363.738 Fla
- Holmes, Hannah / Suburban Safari / 577.5 Hol
- Sullivan, Robert / Rats : Observations on the History and Habitat of the City's Most Unwanted Inhabitants / 599.35 Sul
- Homer / The Odyssey / 883.01 Hom
- Arvin, Nick / Articles of War / FIC Arv
- Alcott, Louisa May / Little Women / AUDIO CD FIC Alc
- Brooks, Geraldine / March / AUDIO CD FIC Bro
- Golden, Arthur / Memoirs of a Geisha / AUDIO CD FIC Gol
- Hockensmith, Steve / Holmes on the Range / AUDIO CD FIC Hoc
- McManus, Patrick F. / The Blight Way / AUDIO CD FIC McM
- Robotham, Michael / Lost / AUDIO CD FIC Rob
- Twain, Mark / The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn / AUDIO CD FIC Twa
- Twain, Mark / The Adventures of Tom Sawyer / AUDIO CD FIC Twa
- Swanson, James L. / Manhunt : the 12-Day Chase for Lincoln's Killer / AUDIO CD 364.152 Swa
- Goodwin, Doris Kearns / Team of Rivals : The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln / AUDIO CD 973.7093 Goo
A word from the Friends' President re: Entertainment Books...
Dear Friends of the Library,
Just a friendly “tip” for those of you who purchased the “2006 Entertainment Coupon Book” that the Friends were selling last fall/winter.
In the Coupon book are coupons for such things as $5.00 off your bill if you spend $50 or more at a ‘this or that’ grocery store. Some of these stores are not very local or may not be grocery stores you frequent …BUT ... Stop and Shop will honor all coupons from their competitors.
I’ve used coupons for IGA’s in East Hampton or from Lunt’s which is out of business. This will make that coupon book a whole lot more valuable.
For those of you who didn’t purchase a book last year, the Friends will be selling them again this fall. Watch for them at the Library or our advertisement in the Rivereast.
Coupons in the 2006 Entertainment Book are good until November 2006. There’s still lots of time to save.
Hope everyone is enjoying the summer and staying
Dianne Grenier
Friends, President
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Yet another museum pass...
For a complete list of museum passes we have to offer, as well as the borrowing rules, click here.
Adult Book Discussion - Monday, September 18th
At Andover PL, though, we're trying something a little bit different. In addition to reading Smith's memoir (of which, the library has several copies), we will also be reading her 1994 novel about the Hartford Circus Fire that happened in 1944: Masters Of Illusion. We have borrowed several copies of that book, as well, for our reading group.
We would like participants to read both books for our book discussion to be held at Andover PL on Monday, September 18th at 6:30PM. Please ask for copies of these books at the library circulation desk. They are ready and waiting for you.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
One way to beat the heat...
A special invitation from Friends' President, Dianne Grenier...
Bushnell Backstage Tour for Friends of the Library
The Friends of the Andover Library officials are organizing an “exclusive” backstage tour of the Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts in Hartford for members of the Friends of the Library.
The tour will take you backstage of both the old Mortensen Hall and the new Belding Auditorium.
See the Projection Booth, Green Room, Electrician Room with the “stars signature wall” and the Horace Bushnell Suite. Learn about the historic one-of-a-kind ceiling mural, the Dale Chihuly “Ode to Joy” and much more.
Your Tour Guide will be Dianne Grenier, president of the Friends group and a 10 year veteran of the volunteer corps of Bushnell ushers and tour guides.
A considerable amount of walking is required and the tour will take approximately 1½ - 2 hours.
There is no charge for the tour, but participation is limited so reservations are required.
The Friends of the Library are delighted to be able to offer this opportunity to its members.
The Friends' Bushnell tour date is set for Saturday, August 26 at 2:00pm.
To reserve your spot on the tour call Dianne Grenier at 742-3033 or e-mail at deardianne@comcast.net
Monday, July 10, 2006
Friends' BJs promotion due date extended to August 1st...
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Lots of museum passes -- yours to borrow!
Here's what the Friends have purchased for you:
- The Children's Museum (formerly known as the Science Center of Connecticut) - West Hartford -- Pass allows for one free admission for every paid admission, adults or children. [Regular admission prices: $7 Adults & Children over the age of 12].
- Connecticut Commission on Culture & Tourism -- Free admission for 2 adults & 2 children to four Connecticut state museums, including Henry Whitfield State Museum in Guilford; the Old New-Gate Prison & Copper Mine in East Granby; the Sloane-Stanley Museum in Kent; and the Prudence Crandall Museum in Canterbury.
- Harriet Beecher Stowe Center - Hartford -- Pass admits 2 people for a free tour of the Stowe House OR a seasonally-offered Garden Tour or Nook Farm Walking Tour. [Regular admission prices: $8 Adults (ages 13-64); $7 Seniors (age 65+); $4 Children (ages 5-12)].
- Mark Twain House - Hartford -- Admits one adult OR 2 children free with the purchase of one adult admission. [Regular admission prices: $13 Adults (ages 17-64); $11 Seniors (age 65+); $8 Children (ages 6-16); Free admission for children under 6].
- Mashantucket Pequot Museum & Research Center - Mashantucket -- Pass is valid for $5 off admission for up to 2 adults & 2 children. [Regular admission prices: $15 Adults (ages 16-54); $13 Seniors (age 55+); $13 Children (ages 6-15)].
- New Britain Museum of American Art - New Britain -- Free admission for 4 people (no age restrictions). [Regular admission prices: $9 Adults; $8 Seniors; $7 Students; Free admission for children under 12].
- Peabody Museum of Natural History -- Yale University, New Haven -- Pass is valid for $5 off up to 4 admissions (no age restrictions - one adult must accompany children under age 16). Admission applies to Museum galleries only. Special exhibits, events, and programs may require a fee. Pass is not valid in February. [Regular admission prices: $7 Adults; $6 Seniors (age 65+); $5 Children (ages 3-18)].
- Roger Williams Park Zoo - Providence -- Reduced admission for any combination of 4 Adults, Seniors, and/or Children. During January-June & September-December, the discounted rate is $6 Adults; $4 Seniors; $3 Children. During July & August, the discounted rate is $9 Adults; $6 Seniors; $5 Children. [Regular admission prices: $12 Adults; $8 Seniors (age 62+); $6 Children (ages 3-12)].
In addition, the library offers these passes, which are provided free to the library by their respective organizations:
- Mystic Aquarium Institute for Exploration - Mystic -- Reduced admission for 2 Adults & 2 Children. From September 5th through June 30th, the discounted rate is $13.50 per Adult & $9.50 per Child. From July 1st through September 4th, the discounted rate is $15.75 per Adult & $11.25 per Child. Please note: this is the first year the Aquarium is offering any discount on their summer rates. [Regular admission prices: $17.50 Adults; $16.50 Seniors (age 65+); $12.50 Children (ages 3-17)].
- New England Carousel Museum - Bristol -- Free admission for 4 people (no age restrictions). [Regular admission prices: $5 Adults; $2.50 Children (ages 4-14); Children under age 4 are admitted free.]
- Wadsworth Atheneum - Hartford -- Free general admission to the museum for 2 Adults & 2 Children (ages 6-17). [Regular admission prices: $10 Adults; $8 Seniors (age 62+); $5 Students (ages 13 through college students with ID); Free admission for children 12 & under].
We encourage you to borrow these passes frequently this year. They may be checked out the day before your planned visit, and must be returned one day after your museum visit. In general, we do not allow passes to be reserved -- they are first come, first served. If you have any questions, please call the library at 742-7428 or email andoverctpubliclibrary@yahoo.com.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
BJs promotion ends July 3rd...
If you'd like to fill out an application for a BJs membership -- or extend your current membership -- stop by the library over the next couple of days and fill out an application. Thanks!
Monday, June 26, 2006
Follow-up note from Ms. C. about the "last" Storytime...
Monday, June 19, 2006
Last Wednesday Storytime until September 12th...
I just thought it was important to let the Storytime kids know we'll be ending our program this Wednesday, June 21st. To celebrate, we'll be having a little "party," so do come if you can. We will begin the Storytime program again in September when the kids go back to school. Our first Wednesday back will be September 12th at the usual time -- stories begin at 10:30AM, followed by a session of show & tell, as well as a craft on most weeks.
Be sure to stop by the library this summer, as we've got lots of great programs for kids of all ages! See our brochure distributed to all the AES kids, or pick up a copy at the circulation desk.
Enjoy the summer!
Ms. C.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Library hours on July 3rd...
Also, please note that the library will be assuming it's "summer schedule" beginning July 1st. In short, that means that there will be no Saturday hours until after Labor Day.
Amy O.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Are you a BJs member?
Stop by the library before July 3rd and fill out a special BJs application for a new membership or renewal. Instead of paying the regular Annual Membership Fee of $45, you'll pay $35, plus you'll have 3 additional months added on to your membership. For example, my current BJs membership will expire in August, but if I renew it through the this promotion, I'll save $10 off the membership PLUS my membership will now be active until November 2007. Best of all, BJs will give the Friends $5 for every new or renewal membership we can recruit by July 3rd, and eventually, whatever money the Friends raise from this venture will be donated back to the library for programs or materials or something good for our patrons. How can you go wrong?
Membership applications are available at the library circulation desk. Please ask, and help us out if you can!
Amy O.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Some DVD gifts from our Friends...
- The Adventures Of Elmo in Grouchland
- Blue's Clues : Shapes and Colors!
- The Fairly OddParents : Channel Chasers
- The Fairly OddParents: School's Out! The Musical
- SpongeBob SquarePants : Sea Stories
- The Bad News Bears (1976)
- Dirty Dancing
- The Elephant Man
- Firewall
- Frantic
- Girl, Interrupted
- Godzilla
- Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
- The Hours
- Moulin Rouge!
- Rustler's Rhapsody
- Saving Private Ryan
- Spider-Man
- Spider-Man 2
We remind you that videos (VHS & DVD) can be borrowed for 5 days from the library, with a limit of 8 (combination of both) per family. Videos remain the only items for which the library charges overdue fines - $2.00 per day per tape.
Thanks to the Friends for their generosity!
Monday, June 05, 2006
Summer reading programs for kids
In addition to programs this summer, your kids will have the opportunity to earn prizes by reading at least 10 books this summer. In addition to our popular "passport" program, we will have trips to the "treasure chest" for readers, as well as special prizes from Applebee's and the Connecticut Defenders Baseball Club (formerly, the Norwich Navigators). There will even be a special Library Night at Dodd Stadium in Norwich on August 15th, complete with postgame fireworks! For more information on the Defenders, go to their website.
School gets out on June 19th -- make sure your young readers are a part of our summer reading programs!
Amy O.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
New books for adults - May 2006
New Non-Fiction:
- Bove, Tony & Rhodes Cheryl / iPod & iTunes For Dummies / 006.5 Bov
- Stossel, John / Myths, Lies, And Downright Stupidity / 070.92 Sto
- Horsham, Michael / Shaker Style / 289.8 Hor
- Howard, Clark & Meltzer, Mark / Get Clark Smart : The Ultimate Guide To Getting Rich From America's Money-Saving Expert / 332.024 How
- Ritchie, Donald A. / Our Constitution / 342.7302 Rit
- Brown, Nathan & Proper, Sheryle A. / The Everything Paying For College Book / 378.3 Bro
- Encell, Steve & Dunn, Si / The Everything Online Auctions Book / 381.1 Enc
- Swick, Edward / The Everything Learning German Book / 438.2 Swi
- Prior, Richard / The Everything Learning Latin Book / 478.2 Pri
- Walsh, B. Timothy & Cameron, V.L. / If Your Adolescent Has An Eating Disorder : An Essential Resource For Parents / 616.85 Wal
- Evans, Dwight L. / If Your Adolescent Has Depression Or Bipolar Disorder : An Essential Resource For Parents / 618.92 Eva
- Foa, Edna B. / If Your Adolescent Has An Anxiety Disorder : An Essential Resource For Parents / 618.92 Foa
- Gur, Raquel & Johnson, Ann Braden / If Your Adolescent Has Schizophrenia : An Essential Resource For Parents / 618.92 Gur
- Dunham, Alison Blackman / The Everything Dating Book / 646.7 Dun
- Aslett, Don / Clutter's Last Stand / 648 Asl
- Gordon, Jill / Jill Gordon's Cross Stitch Pictures / 746.44 Gor
- Leary, Joseph / A Shared Landscape : A Guide & History Of Connecticut's State Parks And Forests / 917.46 Lea
- Becoming Myself : Reflections On Growing Up Female / 920.720 Bec
- Hanson, Neil / Unknown Soldiers : The Story Of The Missing Of The First World War / 940.4 Han
- Alter, Jonathan / The Defining Moment : FDR's First Hundred Days Of Triumph And Hope / 973.917 Alt
- Wright, Mike / What They Didn't Teach You About The 60s / 973.923 Wri
New Fiction:
- Baer, Robert / Blow The House Down / FIC Bae
- Cabot, Meg / Queen Of Babble / FIC Cab
- Child, Lee / The Hard Way / FIC Chi
- Deaver, Jeffery / The Cold Moon / FIC Dea
- Finder, Joseph / Killer Instinct / FIC Fin
- Glass, Julia / The Whole World Over / FIC Gla
- Harris, Joanne / Five Quarters Of The Orange / FIC Har
- King, Jonathon / Eye Of Vengeance / FIC Kin
- Klein, Marjorie / Test Pattern / FIC Kle
- Koontz, Dean / The Husband / FIC Koo
- Landvik, Lorna / Patty Jane's House Of Curl / FIC Lan
- Landvik, Lorna / The Tall Pine Polka / FIC Lan
- Leimbach, Marti / Daniel Isn't Talking / FIC Lei
- McCullough, Colleen / On, Off / FIC McC
- McMurtry, Larry / Telegraph Days / FIC McM
- Sittenfeld, Curtis / The Man Of My Dreams / FIC Sit
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Our homepage
Our Children's Program Coordinator, Cathy Campen, keeps our homepage information up-to-date.
Amy O.
Library hours
Monday: 10AM-1PM & 3-8PM
Tuesday: 3-8PM
Wednesday: 10AM-1PM & 3-8PM
Thursday: 3-8PM
Friday: 10AM-1PM & 3-6PM
Saturday: 10AM-4PM (closed July & August)
There is a possibility that our hours will be changing slightly after July 1st. Keep checking the blog for more information.
Amy O.
Welcome to our Andover PL blog!

Hello Library Users!
Welcome to the first-ever Andover Public Library blog! We'll use this site to communicate up-to-date information on all sorts of library-related things -- new books we've acquired, our available museum passes, programs for kids and/or adults, library closing information -- and anything else we think our patrons need to know. We hope this will be a good tool for all of us, and hope you enjoy reading it.
If you have any questions, please call us at (860)742-7428 or email andoverctpubliclibrary@yahoo.com.
Until next time,
Amy Orlomoski