Monday, June 05, 2006

Summer reading programs for kids

This week, Andover Elementary students will -- or should -- be bringing home a brochure announcing our library summer programs! We have programs as varied as beading to magic to archery, so there's something for pretty much everyone. Our Children's Programming Director, Cathy Campen, has worked hard on organizing these programs, so we hope for a big turnout. Call us if you have questions (742-7428) or send an email to

In addition to programs this summer, your kids will have the opportunity to earn prizes by reading at least 10 books this summer. In addition to our popular "passport" program, we will have trips to the "treasure chest" for readers, as well as special prizes from Applebee's and the Connecticut Defenders Baseball Club (formerly, the Norwich Navigators). There will even be a special Library Night at Dodd Stadium in Norwich on August 15th, complete with postgame fireworks! For more information on the Defenders, go to their website.

School gets out on June 19th -- make sure your young readers are a part of our summer reading programs!

Amy O.

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